- Open the app (click on the image of the app in your homepage of apps)
- Type in your email in the space provided
- Type in your OTP verification (this is a code that is sent to your email address that was provided in the step before)
- Fun fact, an OTP is a ‘One Time Password’!
- There is no need to save your OTP password once you have entered the app
- Once inside VTC you can access the following features:
- The large plus button in the bottom center allowing you to create a storytelling video
- You can create videos which are 1 minute or 3 minute long and can show objects to your camera etc to enhance your stories
- You can go to the “Browse Past Recordings”, “Browse Family Recordings”, and “Browse Public Recordings” pages
- These are all buttons in the form of simplistic icons at the top of the app
- “Browse Past Recordings” allows you to see videos you have created previously, with their date of creation and a title
- “Browse Family Recordings” allows you to see videos your family group has shared with one another ONLY for family viewing
- “Browse Public Recordings” allows you to see videos made publicly viewable, which anyone has access to see
- The large plus button in the bottom center allowing you to create a storytelling video
- The homepage is in the bottom right corner with an icon of a house
- The search button is a place you can type keywords to get results, with the icon button of a magnifying glass
- When recording a video you can right a date and description of what’s being said in the video and choose where the video is shared (if you choose to do so)
If you have any questions feel free to visit the “contact” tab of this website to email the official VTC email!
VTC screens displaying the user interface of the app aiding the description given above.
The VTC Memory Application is under active development. To get a early peak at it, you can download the Android version from here.